You young whipper-snappers have it so good these days! You have a whole month dedicated to you so you can dress up in drag, go on parades, lisp away in public all day, give your money to any business that will wave a gay flag, and then be celebrated for it. Enjoy it, queers! This was brought to you by all those old queens and poor gay victims that got their ass kicked, arrested, or killed just so that we can be openly gay today. Most of you will never know what it's like to be the victim of a military witchhunt, and be kicked out of the military for being gay. Most of you will never know what it's like to be chased down by a bunch of raging homophobic drunks who want to kick your ass because they heard you like to suck dick. Most of you will never know the pain of being gay in the closet, and wondering if life is worth living. But, hey! Happy Pride Month! The moral of my rant and rave here is that you're welcome to celebrate all you want, but just remember ...